99 Wall St Suite 172, New York
Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.

Available 24/7 for Emergency Services*
Regular Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 AM to 5 PM.

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Water Leak Detection Services NYC

If you have any water leak in your home, it can be destructive in the long term if it goes unchecked for long. It is important to find the source of the leak and work towards repairing it to protect your property in the long run.

At Zicklin Contracting, we are a leading water leak detection company in the New York area that works hard to protect your home from water damage. We are a team with over 35 years of experience.

We not only find the water leaks but also carry out waterproofing to make sure there are no further issues caused by dampness in the roofs or walls.

If you are looking for contractors near me that can safeguard your house from water leaks, then look no further. We have worked extensively with homeowners to make sure the early signs of water leakage are detected so that we can work towards providing a timely resolution.

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Why choose us

Benefits of our water leak detection services

If you decide to hire our water leak detection company in New York, then there are several benefits that you stand to gain. Here are some of those benefits below.

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We Detect Early Signs of Water Leak
Our expert inspectors will visit your property and notice some early signs of water damage like cracks in the foundation and wet spots. We then make a plan of action to resolve the problem before it gets bigger.
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35 Years of Industry Experience
Our team has a collective experience of over 25 years. We have successfully handled thousands of water leak detection and waterproofing projects. You can say we are seasoned veterans when it comes to leak detection.
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We Prioritize Client Satisfaction
We are a completely client-centric company. Our mission has always been to deliver great quality work to our clients. Every aspect of our leak detection and waterproofing work is based on your needs.
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We Deliver On Time every time
Whichever project we take up, we endeavor to complete it within the given timeframe by the client. We never go over any due dates and complete our work to your satisfaction on time.
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Ready to work together?

It’s time to create your dream home in the “city that never sleeps”
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how it works

Our water leak detection work process

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Our certified inspectors check your property for signs of water damage and determine the various sources of water leakage.
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We execute our waterproofing efforts to fix every source of water leakage.
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We complete our waterproofing work and deliver to you our completed project. We are sure that you will be satisfied with the quality of our work.
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Call our team Mon-Fro 8am to 5pm.
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Call our team Mon-Fro 8am to 5pm.

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    Ready to work together?

    It’s time to create your dream home in the “city that never sleeps”
    https://wa.me/3474954959 +1-718-550-2779